Sunday, December 19, 2010

Have An Avon Party Or Even Better, Lots of Avon & Mark Parties!!!

Group Selling:
Great Game Ideas From Beauty of Knowledge.
Use games to make your Group Selling event a success. And
remember, you're not just playing a party game—you're selling,
sharing, and showing too. So give one of these games a try!

Seven Layers
You’ll need: an Avon product of your choice, wrapped in seven
layers of tissue paper
1. Ask seven Avon Trivia questions (on the next page).
2. Each guest who answers a question correctly unwraps a
layer of tissue paper.
The guest who answers the seventh question correctly unwraps
the last layer and keeps the gift.

Guess the Price
You'll need: an Avon product of your choice
1. Introduce the product, describing its features and benefits.
2. Let each guest try the product. Provide samples if possible.
3. Ask, "What is the price of this product?"
4. Award a prize to the guest whose answer is closest to the
actual price.

Who am I?
You'll need: one Avon Brochure per guest
1. Distribute one Brochure to each guest.
2. Explain that guests will search for products within the
Brochure using clues that you will provide.
3. Give product clues, such as
a. I am Avon's best-selling lipstick. Who am I?
(Ultra Color Rich),
b. I'm the #1 anti-aging product in America. Who am I?
(Anew Clinical Line & Wrinkle Corrector), or
c. I am one of Avon's most well known brands. Who am I?
4. Award a prize to the guest who can find the product in the
Brochure first

More Game Ideas:
Avon Trivia Questions
(Correct answers are shown in bold.)
1. Which beauty company sells more lipstick than any other
brand: Avon, L’OrĂ©al, or Revlon?
2. What is the name of Avon's top-selling anti-aging skincare
line: Again, Alive, or Anew?
3. What year was Avon founded: 1776, 1886, or 1926?
4. How much does it cost to become an Avon
Representative: $10, $50, or $150?
5. When Avon was founded in 1886, what was the company
originally called: the California Perfume Company, the
California Beauty Company, or the Company for Women?
6. The Mrs. Albee award is given to Avon Representatives
who achieve outstanding sales. This award is named for: 
the first Avon Representative, the 1st President of
Avon, or the 1st Avon Stockholder?
7. How many Independent Avon are there worldwide: 2.4
million, 3.4 million, or 4.4 million?
8. The Avon Foundation is a major contributor to which
charities? Correct answers include: the Breast Cancer
Crusade and Speak Out Against Domestic Violence
9. Name two celebrities who have appeared in Avon ads.
Correct answers include: Helen Hayes, Irene Dunn,
Claudette Colbert, Joe DiMaggio, Jimmy Stewart, Sunny
Griffin, Catherine Deneuve, Serena and Venus Williams,
Jewel and Salma Hayek
10. Name two slogans that Avon has used through the years.
Correct answers include: Ding Dong Avon Calling; With
Avon, You Never Looked So Good; Women Are Beautiful;
Just Another Avon Lady; Dare to Change Your Mind About
Avon; Claim Your Beauty; Let's Talk Avon

I also have an Avon Word Scramble that all of my reps are
welcome to using.

Party thoughts - find your hostesses, and
tempt them with a gift and 10% of the party's gross sales.
What a great way to boost your sales, gain new customers,
and all of a couple of hours of fun. Have your host or hostess invite
two or three times more people than you want, and you want plenty!

Leave books for those who can't make it, so that they can add to the party

For you new reps, have a grand opening party, pick a theme or not, use your home or
mine, or I know several of you have free access to your church! Next time you place an order,
add plenty of customer order books and credit card slips to it, as these are free tools.
Make sure you have lots of Avon and mark magalogs, pens, samples if you wish, and
most importantly, a big smile on your face. Just let me know your party date so you
can have all the latest products to show - no charge, and no need to order a bunch of
inventory unless there are items you wish to have on hand.

Don't forget about easy online eparties too!

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